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The Weird and Wonderful Bosses of Terraria part 2: Hardmode

Last time we journeyed to the depths of hell itself and defeated the Wall of Flesh! Now your world is a vastly more dangerous place! Get ready to die as we face off against a mass of new, harder bosses!

We start off with what was, at one time the final three bosses. These bosses are all mechanical iterations of ones we've previously slain. Let's start off with the game's first boss, the Eye of Cthulu but instead we'll look at his mechanical version: The Twins! As the title suggests this boss is two eyes! Two giant, mechanical eyes that have you in their sights! Spazmatism, one of the two eyes, will behave similar to the Eye of Cthulu, albeit stronger, and Retinazer will start shooting at the player with laser beams! After taking enough damage Retinazer will start shooting a laser cannon very quickly making his attacks very hard to dodge. To defeat the Twins you must slay both Retinazer and Spazmatism. This boss can be summoned by crafting/ finding a Mechanical Eye or once your world has entered Hardmode each night harbours the possibility of one of the Mechanical bosses being summoned! You have a full night cycle to slay each of the Mechanical bosses.

The next Mechanical boss you'll face is the Destroyer, this boss is a mechanical version of the eater of Worlds. If your world has a Crimson biome, and therefore you would have faced the Brain of Cthulu you'll still face the Destroyer. The Destroyer, unlike the Eater of Worlds does not break up into smaller entities as you attack but remains as one big beast! He'll summon probes from his insides which will shoot death lasers at you much like Retinazers attacks. If you fight this boss in confined conditions you can actually reduce the amount of probes he'll summon! To defeat this boss you'll need to craft/ find a Mechanical Worm or he can summon randomly at night, providing he hasn't been defeated in that world, once the world is in Hardmode.

The final Mechanical boss you'll fave to do battle with Skeletron Prime, no guess at which boss he's a mechanical version of! He was, at a time, the final boss in the game! When I joined Terraria in 2012 just after the version 1.1.2 update Skeletron Prime was the final boss but now the story is much different! Skeletron Prime holds a very helpful trait with Skeletron: only the head needs to be destroyed. Surrounding the head, however, is an array of arms all sporting deadly weapons! He can be fought by crafting/ finding a Mechanical Skull or randomly spawning at night once your world has entered Hardmode. Defeating these three bosses, however, will awake a sleeping giant, one which you better be prepared for!

In the Underground Jungle a new object will appear scattered throughout the chambers and chasms, they are plant bulbs. Destroying these bulbs will summon Plantera! The boss may look cutesy, a giant pink plant crawling towards you, but this plant has a mean streak! It will shoot spiky projectiles at you and try to chase you down in the Underground Jungle. Be careful though as if you leave the Underground Jungle Planetar will become enraged and will be faster and stronger! This boss will cause you to die, often at first, and a common method of defeating it is to create a spawn point near to where you will be fighting Plantera, move the Nurse NPC in and keep respawning and fighting! The only problem is, however, you may accidentally bring about the death of your Nurse!

You may also have noticed the impregnable Lizahrd Temple in the Underground Jungle. Until you defeat Plantera and harvest the loot it drops you cannot break into this temple but once you do your in for trouble! You will have to face an army of Lizahrd warriors, other reptile beings before you find the main chamber. Putting a Lizahrd Power Cell on the Lizahrd Altar will summon Golem, a stone being that wishes to crush the life out of you! As with Skeletron and Skeletron Prime only the head needs to be defeated although you'll also have to dodge his hands and laser beams! Not long after his introduction to the game it was worked out that he cannot hit through walls very well, as long as you have a weapon that can pass through walls the fight is incredibly easy!

We've already discussed many of Terraria's bosses but we still have a lot more ground to cover! We haven't even reached the end of the Hardmode bosses! We still have the event bosses and the console/ mobile exclusive bosses too! Join us next time where we begin to take on the rest of our rouges gallery!


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Created By Carrotman61

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