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The Weird and Wonderful Metal Gear Bosses

Solid Snake is known for sneaking into enemy camps and bases, rescuing hostages and sometimes sheep? When you're not shooting bears in Northern Kabul in the latest entry you're probably crawling around in a cardboard box! Or maybe you're encountering one of the weird bosses the series has to offer!

To start any list about bosses in the Metal Gear Solid series let's tackle the obvious: Psychomantis. This boss from Metal Gear Solid is a member of FOXHOUND and is part of the hostile takeover of Shadow Moses Island. He wears the famous gas mask to prevent thoughts penetrating his mind! Why is he a special boss? He not only breaks the fourth wall, he shatters it! He'll read your memory card and talk about the other games you've played recently! If you popped Super Mario Sunshine in your GameCube Psycho Mantis will know! As you battle he shuts off the the controller port meaning that the controller won't respond to you! You'll have to plug the controller into the player 2 slot! He can turn the screen to black making players think that he's changed the TV channel entirely! He's Metal Gear's weirdest boss for sure but also one of the most loved. He's got a large amount of the series under his belt including a recent appearance in Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain.

Moving to Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater we find The End. The End is a veteran sniper still going strong at 100 years old! This boss battle pits you in a forest with The End camoflauged somewhere, waiting to pull the trigger! It's your job to find him and kill him before he shoots you but this could take hours! He's an expert at camoflauge, he moves around and he can move fast! Once you manage to kill him he thanks the forest for giving him strength and then he thanks Snake saying that "Big Boss" would be proud of him.

Still in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater we find the COBRA "spiritual medium" known as The Sorrow. The Sorrow can not only speak to ghosts but is himself a ghost! Whenever he sees Snake he always seem to be smiling and crying blood! Much like Sonic from Sonic.exe! Anyway his name comes from the deep sadness he feels over the death and destruction caused by war. Snake is transported to a spooky looking forest with The Sorrow floating ahead of Snake as you walk through a river of souls, the souls you've killed during the game thus far! The more soldiers you've killed, the more you'll have to battle in this spirit world! If you try to contact anyone in this world the only reply will be the screaming of the word Snake, much like the game over screen! Saving the game here will put your location as "?". As Snake journeys through the river he'll slowly die, this is the only way out. Die and use a ressurection pill and you'll be out of this strange world!

Metal Gear is known for having weird bosses like these but these are only the begining! What about Fatman from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Snake Eaters? The Four Horsemen? The guerilla expert Jungle Evil? Despite the game being based off something quite real in a war zone it can be a very weird series! Metal Gear, unlike many games set in war environments, doesn't take itself seriously. For that, the series will always have a special place in our hearts and will always be a fond gaming adventure, one that mixes humour and weirdness with military espionage!


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