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Lavos - Devourer of Time, Space and Dreams!

It's been almost 70 posts and we've only just started to talk about Chrono Trigger? Blasphemy! Chrono Trigger is supposedly one of the greatest games ever made! It was released on the SNES and combined time travel and turned based RPGs! Its main antagonist, Lavos, is definitely scary in the context of the game!

65,000,000 B.C. sees an alien parasite fall from space, named Lavos by early humans as it combined the Lokan word for "fire" and "big". Lavos intended to drain the Earth's energy, like Mondas from Doctor Who, to genetically enhance its spawn, he even influenced humanity to develop the technology we have now! Lavos slept, mainly, in the Earth but awoke in 1999 and plunged the Earth into an apocalypse, however, humans found a way to summon Lavos before this, primarily in 1200 B.C. and 600 A.D.. In 2300 A.D. Crono and his party see footage of the day Lavos truly awoke in 1999 and wishes to stop him destroying the Earth! Enter the Time Wing and your method of time travel in Chrono Trigger!

When you and your party eventually reaches Lavos you will notice, as many bosses, he has three forms, an outer shell which resembles the Peluda, a beast from French mythology, a humanoid with two arms and finally Lavos' core. The inner core exists in the final stage which must be taken out as it can rebuild Lavos during the fight! After he is defeated you and your party are given special powers! He also adopts the 10 forms of the 10 previous bosses fought in the game and you have to take them out, one by one. Think a boss rush like in Megaman or Shovel Knight!

Over the last two posts we've talked about Satan and his appearances in games and on the Deep Web, however, Lavos continues this biblical reflection as he reflects a story from the holy bible! Let's take a look! Revelations 8 - verse 10: "The third angel blew his trumpet. A large star, burning like a torch, fell from the sky and fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. A third of the water turned bitter, and many people died from drinking the water, because it had turned bitter". People who saw Lavos fall from the sky originally called it a "falling star". Lavos caused an apocalypse that killed many on the Earth. But there's more! As Lavos turns into the Dream Devourer in Chrono Trigger DS we meet Schala who was forced to summon Lavos and now rides atop him. Revelations 17 - verse 3: "The spirit toom control of me , and an angel carried me to the desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a red beast that had names insulting to God written all over it; the beast had seven heads and ten horns.... "Why are you amazed" the angel asked me. "I will tell you the secret of the woman and the beast that carries her, the beast with seven heads and ten horns. That beast was alive, but lives no longer; it came up from the abyssand will go off to be destroyed... It was once alive, but lives no longer, but will reappear again.... The ten horns are the ten kings who have not begun their rule but will be given authority for one hour under the beast."" What do we see Lavos doing? Taking the form of the 10 previous bosses you have fought. And when you think about it a beast that is and is not is a bit like something that can travel through time, space and dreams!

We've been quite biblical lately so next time I promise to shake things up a bit! We've mainly been stuck here because the Devil is the ultimate bad guy, perfect for the Festival of Horror! Biblical or not, Lavos is certainly powerful, he becomes devourer of time and can destroy the Earth simply by waking up! He's certainly tough and it's up to you and your party to defeat Lavos and free the Earth from his rule!


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